Don't Drop The Ball: LINT Rings in The New Year First! UTC+14

Welcome to a journey through time, specifically, the Line Islands Time (LINT), which operates under the UTC+14 timezone. This timezone is unique and fascinating, as it represents the earliest time zone on Earth, a full 24 hours ahead of the last time zone.

What is UTC+14?

UTC+14, or Coordinated Universal Time +14, is a time offset that adds 14 hours to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). This time zone is used in certain Pacific islands, specifically the Line Islands.

The Line Islands

The Line Islands are a chain of atolls and coral islands in the central Pacific Ocean. They are divided between the sovereign states of Kiribati and the United States. The islands that follow the UTC+14 timezone are part of Kiribati, and they include the inhabited Kiritimati (Christmas Island), Tabuaeran (Fanning Island), and Teraina (Washington Island).

The Unique Aspect of UTC+14

What makes UTC+14 particularly interesting is that it is the earliest time zone on Earth. It's the first to welcome a new day, a new year, and any other time-based milestone. For instance, when it's 10:00 AM on Tuesday in New York City (UTC-5), it's already 5:00 AM on Wednesday in the Line Islands!

The Impact of Time Zone Changes

The Line Islands haven't always been in the UTC+14 timezone. In fact, until 1995, Kiribati was divided by the International Date Line, with the country's eastern islands a day behind its western islands. This caused significant practical difficulties for the nation, so in 1995, Kiribati unilaterally moved the International Date Line to the east, placing the entire country on the same day. This change put the Line Islands into the UTC+14 timezone.


The Line Islands Time (LINT) is a fascinating study of how human constructs like time zones can impact daily life and national operations. It's a reminder that time is not just a concept, but a practical tool that we use to organize our world. So, the next time you're counting down to the New Year, remember that the Line Islands have already been there for a full 24 hours!


The citizens of Line Islands thrive in a future time zone while the rest of the world catches up, lending a richness to their daily experience, both practically and metaphorically. But, wouldn't it be interesting to know where in the world it is five o'clock right now?

It is with this thought that we invite you to our unique platform, Find Your Five PM. Our platform provides real-time information on where in the world it is currently five pm, covering over 199,000 cities worldwide—big or small—as long as they have a population of 500 or more.

In a world where time zones can be as complex as LINT, understanding and discovering "where it's five o'clock somewhere" can be a fascinating journey that unites us all. Next time when you're thinking about time, don't just watch the clock; traverse and discover various time zones around the globe with Find Your Five PM. Take the wonder of the Line Islands and extend it across the globe. Enjoy the immersion in a world where it's always cocktail hour somewhere!


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