Summiting the Uniqueness: UTC+5:45 - Nepal Standard Time (NST)

In the world of time zones, where most countries align themselves with the standard hourly divisions, there exists a unique time zone that stands out from the rest. This is the Nepal Standard Time (NST), which operates at UTC+5:45. This time zone is not only unique to Nepal but is also one of the few time zones worldwide that is set at a 45-minute increment.
The Origin of NST
The story of NST begins with the geographical location of Nepal. Nestled in the lap of the Himalayas, Nepal is situated approximately 84 degrees east of the Prime Meridian. The country's longitudinal position would naturally place it in a time zone five hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). However, Nepal follows a time zone that is 5 hours and 45 minutes ahead of UTC.
The reason for this unusual time zone is historical and dates back to the 19th century. The time was set in 1956 when Nepal decided to align its clocks with Mount Gaurishankar, a peak located near the country's eastern border. The meridian of this mountain is approximately 5 hours and 41 minutes ahead of UTC, but for convenience, the time was rounded off to the nearest quarter-hour, resulting in the unique NST of UTC+5:45.
The Impact of NST
Living in a unique time zone has its own set of challenges and advantages. For one, it sets Nepal apart on the global stage, highlighting its distinct identity. On the other hand, it can lead to confusion, especially for international businesses and travelers.
However, the people of Nepal have adapted to this unique time setting. They have learned to adjust their schedules when dealing with international partners and have incorporated this unique aspect into their national identity.
Embracing the Uniqueness
NST is a testament to Nepal's rich history and unique geographical position. It serves as a reminder that the world's time zones, much like the countries they represent, are not always neatly divided. They can be as diverse and unique as the cultures and histories they encompass.
In a world that often seeks uniformity, NST stands as a symbol of the beauty of diversity and uniqueness. It is a small yet significant part of what makes Nepal truly special. So, the next time you look at a world clock, take a moment to appreciate the unique time zone of NST, a testament to Nepal's distinct identity in the global community.
Just as the unique Nepal Standard Time (NST) stands as a testament to the rich history and geographical uniqueness of Nepal, our website,, embraces the diversity and complexity of time zones across the globe. With knowledge of over 199,000 cities worldwide, each with a population of 500 or more, we provide a platform where you can discover where it's five o'clock somewhere, at any given moment. Our mission is to connect you with the rhythm of the world, one time zone at a time, and to remind you that, much like NST, every city has its own unique story to tell. So, whether you're planning a global conference call, or simply curious about where in the world people are clocking off for the day, let be your guide in this fascinating journey through time.