Unraveling the Mysteries of UTC+13:45 - Chatham Islands Standard Time (CHAST)

In the vast expanse of the world's time zones, there exists a unique and intriguing one: UTC+13:45, also known as Chatham Islands Standard Time (CHAST). This time zone, which is 45 minutes ahead of its nearest neighbor, is as fascinating as it is unusual.

Where is UTC+13:45?

The Chatham Islands, an archipelago in the Pacific Ocean, is the primary region that observes UTC+13:45. Located about 800 kilometers east of New Zealand's South Island, this remote group of islands is home to a small population of around 600 people.

Why is it 45 Minutes Ahead?

The Chatham Islands' unique time zone is a result of its geographical location and historical decisions. The islands are situated halfway between the time zones of UTC+12 (New Zealand Standard Time) and UTC+15. To accommodate this, the Chatham Islands adopted a time zone that is 45 minutes ahead of New Zealand Standard Time, resulting in the unusual UTC+13:45.

Daylight Saving Time in the Chatham Islands

Just like many other regions around the world, the Chatham Islands also observe daylight saving time. During this period, the islands move to Chatham Island Daylight Time (CHADT), which is UTC+14:45. This adjustment, which lasts from the last Sunday in September to the first Sunday in April, allows the islanders to make the most of the daylight hours during the warmer months.

Living on Chatham Islands Time

Living 45 minutes ahead of the nearest time zone might seem odd, but for the residents of the Chatham Islands, it's just a part of daily life. This unique time zone has even become a point of pride and a part of the islands' identity.

In Conclusion

The Chatham Islands' unique time zone, UTC+13:45, is a fascinating example of how human societies adapt to the natural world. Despite its unusual nature, it serves a practical purpose, ensuring that the islands' inhabitants can live in harmony with the sun's cycle. So, the next time you're adjusting your watch for daylight saving time, spare a thought for the residents of the Chatham Islands, who are already 45 minutes ahead.


As we journey through the intriguing world of time zones, it's clear that time is a fluid concept, varying across the globe. Just as the residents of the Chatham Islands have adapted to their unique time zone, we too can embrace the diversity of global time. This is where Find Your Five PM comes in. Our platform, with its extensive database of over 199,000 cities worldwide, allows you to discover where it's currently five o'clock. Whether you're curious about the time in the Chatham Islands or any other location with a population of 500 or more, Find Your Five PM is your go-to resource. So, why not explore the fascinating world of time zones with us? After all, it's always five o'clock somewhere!


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